Guest Napper #22

1 Jul

I always like to kick off a holiday weekend in a way that makes me feel like a college student again – and this guest napper has that certain something about him that reminds me of better times.

His mom, Kathy,  is an author in her own right, so I prefer to just paste what she wrote me for your enjoyment.  As I sign off for a relaxing weekend, I wish you many naps…whether in the car or at home!


My son was the worst to get down for naps when he was young. He’d always go kicking and screaming. The day this picture was taken was no different than any other day. Finish lunch, take him by the hand and lead him down the hallway to his bedroom. With each step closer we took, the more resistance I could feel as his little hand would begin to pull. “I don’t want to take a nap” and “You can’t make me” were two of his favorite arguments. On this day he told me that he would stay up until his father got home and HE would let him stay up. I tucked him into his bed, gave him a kiss and closed the door behind me while listening to his rants and objections. I made it back to the kitchen and as I picked up his lunch plate, I heard his high-pitched scream, ‘You can’t make me’… and then silence. Seriously, in what I’m sure was less than twenty seconds from tucking him in, all crying, screaming and protesting had stopped. Dead silence. Our daily fight never ended that abruptly, so I went back to see what he was up to and found him in this position. As fast asleep as my grandfather during Sunday mass. I’m just not sure if he was on his way out of the bed, or back into it when he lost the argument.

Tantrums can be Risky Business

Happy Independence Day!  Party like rock stars.

4 Responses to “Guest Napper #22”

  1. Kathy Reinhart July 1, 2011 at 3:26 pm #

    Thanks for posting Alicia. I can’t wait to send this to my son. I’m sure he’s done something recently that will make this look like revenge on my part…lol

    Thanks again 🙂


    • frazzledfoodie July 1, 2011 at 3:29 pm #

      My pleasure! Once I got on the Risky Business train of thought, I really had to hold myself back in order to avoid sullying my blog with references to illicit behavior. Hope he enjoys!

  2. letmestartbysaying July 3, 2011 at 7:38 am #

    The worse the fight, the harder the fall (asleep).

  3. Kathy Reinhart February 2, 2012 at 5:34 pm #

    Reblogged this on "Blog This" with the Lily White Liar.

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