Archive | April, 2012

Guest Napper #90 – Flexible Flop

30 Apr

You know when you wake up and you just feel like you slept at a strange angle?


Or perhaps that you were trying to do a “bboy” style shoulder spin in your sleep? Nah, me neither.

Bethany saw her daughter sleeping like this and had to decide if she should wake her or let her lie. Guided by the predominant parental wisdom never to wake a sleeping baby, she risked the neck crick.

Apparently, the child woke fresh as a daisy.

Doubters – 0. Sleep Lovers – 1.

May your Monday be free of muscle relaxants. If…that’s what you want.

Sidewalk Snooze

27 Apr

I don’t often get a nap quite this good.

In March we had some unseasonably warm days very early on. There was a cool wind, but warm sun. William would come home from school and happily spend an hour or more puttering around in the driveway, chatting with his Blue Puppy. On this particular day, I watched in amazement as he cheerfully settled himself on the warm pavement, rocking lightly back and forth, and drifted off to sleep.

The view from my stoop.

I love that he brought his scooter over there with him and then just conked out.

Scootin' and Snoozin'

Of course I sat outside with him, and it was a pretty long wait – even when the neighbor came home with her two girls.

You snooze, you loose your scooter.

We were all totally amazed, and stood around him chuckling.

Here’s to Friday, fun, and enjoying life’s simple pleasures. A modern version of sittin’ on the stoop with great neighbors.


Guest Napper #89 – Snoozin’ and Skatin’

23 Apr

…and sun.

We haven’t had any sun for a few days, so this picture from Susan (a.k.a. Wubboo Mummy) looked so inviting. I mean, I also enjoy sleeping on a skateboard from time to time.


Is she levitating?

Apparently, Susan was busy kicking a ball nearby with her son, when she turned to find that Briannah had eschewed their tedious sport and decided to spend her time more wisely.

I’m with Briannah.

I mean, soccer can only be played up to a certain age, but sleeping is a sport for life.

This could be a new sport, in fact.

She does look like she was thinking about throwing that ball when she was overcome by drowsiness. Perhaps she’ll toss it when she awakens. Next up: halfpipe while blindfolded.

But we’ll need to have Susan sign a release form for that one. Happy Monday!


Guest Napper #88 – Footies for Friday

20 Apr

What parent doesn’t spend the latter half of Friday yearning for bedtime? I actually know one mom who likes to fold her kids’ pajamas in the afternoon and put them neatly in the bathroom, next to the toothbrushes. You know, just to be organized.

Anita sent me this picture of her niece, who seems to have needed no trouble hopping into those jammies and heading for bed. Only I don’t think she quite made it.

I'm so tired I could sleep standing up...

Apparently, this little girl (who shows excellent potential to pick up yoga) stayed like this much longer than expected. Like more than a few minutes. A true master of the standing sleep.

My advice to you all is to get those jammies on your tots and get them to bed. After all, who wants them standing around while you enjoy your Friday evening?

Happy upcoming weekend to all!

Guest Napper #87 – Maxed Out

17 Apr

You know, on reflection, this is a new one. We’ve had naps under the table. Next to the table.  On the counter. But we’re not quite done…

Likes a really, really firm bed.

Luckily, there are still a few napping locations left on the table for us.

Tee hee.

Apparently Becky left Max to finish up his dinner and when she returned, moments later, he was like this. I guess finishing those veggies is an activity we’ll have to table for later.

OKAY, I’m stopping.

Happy Tuesday to all. May your meals be wakeful.

Guest Napper #86 – Dreams with Daddy

13 Apr

No hijinks this Friday – just a sweet little nap for all the kids whose parents are serving far away.

Nap Buddy

Thanks to Vanessa and Zach for this reminder that the best dreams are of the ones you love.

Guest Napper #85 – Weary Wednesday

11 Apr

By Wednesday, the week is just too much sometimes. Erika sent me this picture of Tristan, which pretty much represents how I feel by 5 p.m. on hump day.

My bed is too soft.

Mind you, I’ve wanted to hide under my desk more often. I mean, I don’t have a drawer under my bed. I have an underbed storage box, though.

Snug in there?

Just keep swimming, little man. Just keep swimming.

We all will.

Guest Napper #84 – Going to the Dogs

9 Apr

I laughed out loud (no, REALLY, like a Gen X’er – for real) when Michael sent me this picture of his son, who fell asleep at the table while his Dad was fetching him a clean shirt.

May the odds be ever in your favor, hounds.

It’s a good thing these dogs are friendly, because I think they are really anxious to lick up the rest of the mess the little guy made when he spilled on his shirt…and then collapsed from exhaustion. In fact, his Dad tells me that, unseen by the camera, his son is holding an uneaten sandwich in his hand under the table.


Come to think of it, I almost ended up looking like this after Easter dinner. Everyone is grateful I kept my clothes on, though.

Just keep it together and get through Monday, people.


Guest Napper #83 – Feet for Friday

6 Apr

Lots of people participate in Wordless Wednesday. Since we like to be different around here, I’m going to plaster this picture of Solomon up and have Wordless Friday.

I agree. Not as catchy. I’ll have to work on that. And now I’m no longer wordless.

Inversions are good yoga.

But, seriously, what is there to say? This picture is worth a thousand snores. Happy Fantastic Friday, then!

That is all.

Guest Napper #81 – Rainy Day Rest

4 Apr

Kathy has given me the perfect guest napper for a slightly damp spring day!

It is, after all, that season when you’re neither here nor there. Neither hot nor cold. Neither dry nor wet. Neither barefoot nor panted.

Wait. Neither barefoot nor panted? 

Ready for any weather. As long as it's not too cold.

Joey, here, was so excited about his little wellies that he couldn’t be parted from them…neither from the wellies nor from his nap, apparently. He’s a full-on Christopher Robin, just waiting to conquer the Hundred Acre Wood.

In his dreams, anyway.

He looks very serious about it.

Is that Pooh’s honey pot to Joey’s right? Oh, I do hope so. I am rather grumbly in my tummy.

Oh bother. Somebody’s been napping…

Perhaps, when he wakes, Kanga and Roo can convince Joey he should become one with the panted people. For now, the boots will have to do.


Guest Napper #80 – Super Snoozer

3 Apr

I love a man in uniform.

Who better to save me from the tedium of this interminable Spring Break than the man with the BIG S on his chest?

Nap time is my kryptonite.

He’s dreamy, isn’t he? His Mom swears his name is Cole, but he looks like a Clark to me. Look at him – all unassuming – as he watches over his plastic playdom.


Rest easy, citizens of the world. The sleepy city is in good hands.

Guest Napper #79 – Scintillating Spring Break

2 Apr

I know this isn’t true for everyone, but today is the first day of what promises to be a very loooooong Spring Break for me.

Mind you, there was a time when Spring Break meant flirting with cute guys and cruising in borrowed convertibles. I wore a few outfits that scandalized my mother. I may have even taken a few naps…after being up until late at night annoying the regular residents of Palm Springs along with my thousands of spring breaking pals. I think we broke their spring, for sure. Anyhoo…

This picture from Dainelle, however, shows more accurately what I have to look forward to this week. I would say “let’s take the kids to an art museum” but Devon isn’t finding art very stimulating. Her drawing does appear to be soothing, however.

Sometimes art is boring.

I have to say that if Devon (a girl) is finding this coloring boring, you can bet the boys will last about 60 seconds at this activity, after which they will go out into the backyard and spend the next hour covering themselves in potting soil.

I so look forward to cleaning that up.

Devon looks like the coloring wore her out, though.

I'm just closing my eyes for a second, Mom.

Yep. I am looking forward to this week. Mmmhhhmmmm.

Yes, indeedy.