Tag Archives: brothers

Cuddly Cartnap (you heard me!)

25 Nov

It’s nothing special to pull off a catnap. But what about a cartnap? How about a tandem cartnap?


I’ve been hearing a lot about the Black Friday madness going on out there, and I think people just need to chill out.  Clearly, William and Cormac agree with me.  In fact, they see no reason not to catch up on some sleep while Mom drags them through the shopping.

With a little help from my friends...

For all the times I’ve had to hear “Mama! He’s pushing me!” this was a welcome moment of peace and quiet.  It’s nice to see brothers helping each other out once in a while, right?

To everyone already out there in the fray, and to those of you who are preparing to venture forth…you are CRAZY, PEOPLE!

Happy Post Turkey Day from Naps Happen.

Dreamy Duo

7 Apr

Sometimes I come downstairs to see why they are so quiet, and this is what I find.

Genetic Link?

One boy sneaks under.

Burrowing Brother

The other collapses over.

Toddler Up Top

And they are both faaaaast asleep.

The End.

His Better Half

4 Mar

As you all know, I just live for tandem naps.  More often, though, one kid naps while the other one either pesters me for my full attention (thereby preventing me from having a minute of personal time all day) or disrupts the other one.

Bedtime Story

Here we have a situation where I seem to have one boy napping while the other occupies himself with scholarly pursuits.  A rare treat, indeed.

And who doesn’t need a special treat today?  Has this not been a long week, people?  Are we not tired of cold medicine and cancelled school?

Slumber on, sweet Cormac.  Slumber on.

Brotherly Love

9 Dec

Around here, tandem naps like the one I posted on Thanksgiving are, unfortunately, quite rare.  More often, one falls asleep while the other is awake.  This not only ensures I will never have a quiet moment to myself, but it also means that brotherly battles will ensue.

Evil Plot Hatching

Of my two sons, William is definitely the snooziest.  If Cormac had his way, he would never have to waste time sleeping.  Especially when the little man could be planning an assault on William’s sweet slumber.

Can't Stand It Anymore

I don’t remember exactly what happened on this particular day, but I can assure you that it involved an eye-poke, a smack over the head with a couch cushion, and the wicked theft of Blue Puppy and/or Green Blankie.

Keep Your Friends Close

William is pretty good at ignoring Cormac, which only guarantees that Cormac’s pestering skills will increase dramatically with time.

...And Your Enemies Closer


William may have triumphed today, but baby says “I’ll be back.”  No doubt…he will.

Thankful for Team Naps

23 Nov

With Turkey Day fast approaching, family members and friends arriving in town, and work winding down, I know that the last thing you all will be doing is reading a blog about naps.  Perhaps you will find time to take one for a change!

I thought about posting a nap-while-eating, but what seemed nicer was to pause and be thankful for moments like this one, which I captured on camera by sheer luck.


May this holiday bring you safe travels, perfectly timed side dishes, and lots of love.

Oh…and some good sleep.  Everything else is gravy.

Happy Thanksgiving from Team Naps Happen!