Archive | March, 2012

Guest Napper #78 – Facedown Friday

30 Mar

I’d be shocked if there’s a parent out there who can’t relate to this image on a Friday. Heck, I’d be surprised if any adult out there doesn’t feel like this by the end of today. In fact, I feel like this now, having been awakened at 6am to do some surprise tick removal on one of my boys. All this outdoor spring play not only causes exhaustion (see below) but it also causes infestation, apparently.

Um. Ew. (Please send Deep Woods Off)

Anyway, Oliver, here, is demonstrating the kid craziness that can happen when spring has sprung.


Ironically, he won’t be doing much springing for the next hour or two.

I see some crumbs...a lego...your engagement ring...

Unless, that is, he’s really awake and spelunking for a half-eaten graham cracker. I could understand that. Playing outside can make a guy hungry!

Elmo likes graham crackers!

Happy Friday, good friends! May your weather be fine and your naps be lengthy. Over and OUT.

Guest Napper #77 – All Cooped Up

27 Mar

What the heck, Mother Nature? Just when we had come to terms with having, like, NO WINTER, and gotten the water table out and planted the basil…well…this is basically unacceptable.

Paige shared this photo of her son and her husband. I’m not sure what her husband thinks about being banished indoors back to the couch, but her son seems to be, like, TOTALLY OVER IT.

So over the cold weather.

You might say this guy is down on his knees, begging the warm weather please to come home. 

Okay, well he’s on someone’s knees, anyway.

Wake me when the temperatures get back into the sixties, m’kay?


Guest Napper #76 – PiZZZa Party

23 Mar

As parents, we are appalled by what has happened to our Friday nights.

Sure, we’re glad it’s the weekend, finally. However, any mom or dad will tell you it can sometimes be lights out by 9:30pm, even for the adults. For others, perhaps, a little earlier than that…

Friday nights are hard.

Esther’s daughter didn’t make it through dinner.

The worst part is, I know if this were my kid, I’d actually be tempted to eat the rest of that pizza. You know, like the toast bones of the grilled cheese.


May you party like rock stars tonight, friends.

Guest Napper #75 – Sunny Snoozin’

21 Mar

I’m a tad bit afraid that Mel‘s little girl is having dreams about global warming,  because this is some seriously nutty weather we’re getting. Unlike William, who likes to spend these days napping under the grill cover, this lazy lass has managed to plant herself in a place of proper appreciation of (and protection from) the sun.

That "75" is for 75 degrees, fool.

My advice is, soak up the sun now, because we could just as well be getting snowstorms in June this year.

Mother Nature has gone rogue.

This is the last day to vote Naps Happen as one of the funniest Mom blogs! Do us a favor and spend five seconds to click through to your right. Thanks!


20 Mar

I’m a little frustrated. I mean, I should have another month to use up these cozy, wintry, baby bear naps. Instead, the Cherry Blossom Festival is on fast-forward and everyone is begging to play at the water table.

What kind of weather is this, people????

Hibernation is ending.

Well, no day appears sunny enough to bring this cub out of his den. My recollection of the sequence of events on the day I took this photo is as follows:

Mom returns home with cranky boy and he climbs on the couch and refuses to remove his coat (see above).

Mom goes to put in a load of laundry and returns to find him sitting on the floor, dazed. Instead of waking up, however, he cuddles up with the nubbly rug and the hardwood floor and commences Nap 2.0.

What? It’s the latest napplication. You know, all the rage.

Those rugs from the big box stores are so...soft?

So that’s how the nap happened.

Spring is coming.

I’m getting sweaty just watching this nap. Did the A/C just come on?

Now excuse me while I go take some allergy pills.


Guest Napper #74 – Undercovers

16 Mar

We all like to have sweet dreams, but Noah has taken extra precautions to ensure that his are especially amusing.

Knock knock...

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Noah who?

You didn’t Noah it was me taking that nap, did you?

Ahhhh, I amuse myself. Really, I do. I’ll be here all week.

But, seriously, folks. Because sleep is serious issue. Can we give this little guy a 10 for his excellent performance?

Happy Friday to all!

Guest Napper #73 – Wimpy Workout

12 Mar

We parents know that sometimes you have to use whatever you have on hand to keep those kids exercising. Sometimes, however, the pull of the couch is just too soporific to inspire an active lifestyle. As a scientist of sleep, I am wondering if it is the couch, itself, that induces these snoozes…or is it just the arm of the couch?

Forward Roll #FAIL

I would say this is going to become the newest home workout craze, but it doesn’t appear to be a very good calorie burner, does it?

Christopher looks, at least, like he’s going to feel refreshed after this workout. He is exercising his right to relax.

Let’s show him our support.

Speaking of support, donate five seconds of your time to click through that hot little pink badge to the right and vote for Naps Happen and other great humor blogs!

Guest Napper #72 – Box and Bottle

8 Mar

Abby sent me this picture of Zoey, and there’s so much going on here that I don’t know what to highlight.

Basically, this little girl crashed out in a box, with her blankie on her head, while drinking a bottle. No, really, take a look.

There's a Seuss book in here somewhere...

I have to say, she might have been better served saving this awesome material for college.

I especially like the detail of her sister in the background, ready to do a bedtime cheer of some sort. I mean, a girl deserves accolades for hitting her nap this hard.


That’s the way we wanna be!

Go Naps…go Go GO NAPS!

Yeah yeah yeah!

Oh, come on. This nap deserves an extra “P” and you know it.

Guest Napper #71 – Tired of Toothpaste

5 Mar

Goodness knows, we all try to teach our kids good hygiene. You know…wash your HANDS and brush your TEETH. It seems like a constant uphill battle to get them to perform these tasks at all, let alone correctly.

Well, Odin seems to have a little extra work to do. You see, he has slathered his hands with toothpaste. I can well imagine he got exhausted before he was able to get this mess off his fingers. Apparently, he had to take a break.

Sticky Fingers

I can tell you who won’t be getting a break: his parents. They have some serious wet vac work to do here.

On the upside, if he eats any Cheerios off the floor later, he’ll be getting extra flouride.

Do me a favor! Click that pink badge to your right and vote for me as a Top Funny Mom Blog for 2012!

Guest Napper #70 – ZZZ-fense!

1 Mar

My husband hails from the Boston area and the ONLY sport he cares about is football. I can tell you that there was a black cloud over our house after the Superbowl this year.

Shhhhh! Do not speak of it! Also, please take care not to wake Dillon, who is already dreaming of football glory for next year…

Tim ZZZZZbow?

I used to sleep in those pink foam curlers sometimes when I was little, and those were not comfy. Dillon shows some world-class snoozing capabilities. This cannot feel soft. Foam curlers would be dreamy compared to this.

He must understand that suffering is necessary for greatness. But, of course, suffering doesn’t have to mean sleep deprivation, people. I tell my kids that EVERY DAY.

Apparently, when it comes to naps, the best offense is a good Z-fense.

Support sleep! Click that pink badge to your right and vote for me as a Top Funny Mom Blog for 2012!