Tag Archives: chair

Guest Napper #66 – Upholstered Exhaustion

16 Feb

These pictures Jen sent me of her daughter Cecelia remind me of how I feel at 10pm on some weekdays.

In short, I’m just done.

I'm just done, people.

I can neither confirm nor deny that Cecelia has been teaching class, but she sure looks like she knows my pain. Perhaps she had a bad day getting those unruly teddy bears to attend to their alphabet.

It's just so demoralizing.

Did she fall asleep beating her fists on the chair? Railing against the human condition, wherein one must labor uphill every day and never make progress?

Dunno, but she’s out cold now.

Sweet dreams, girlfriend. May you find respite from the rat race.

Guest Napper #63 – Touchdown! I mean…Facedown!

7 Feb

My husband is a huge Patriots fan and is clearly outnumbered in his office. Seeing as how he’s in enemy territory, this is how I envision him this week at work.

Under his desk.

It's safe here.

I don’t know if little Alex has any particular team sympathies, but I do note that he is prepared to stay down there next to his chair for as long as it takes. He’s brought water.

I’m not sure what that is under his cheek, but it seems like he brought his own washcloth, too. I mean, clean skin is a priority, people. I read in a magazine, years ago, that you are NEVER too tired to wash your face before bed.

Especially if your cheek will be making contact with someone else’s seat.



Guest Napper #27

29 Jul

Melissa sent me this picture of the impressively flexible Gabriella, who was exhausted from a day of shopping.


She would definitely have gotten along with little William, since they are both clearly working on their yoga and pilates practices.  In fact, call the Pilates people right now.  Gabriella has invented a new apparatus…the rolling chair.

May your weekends be sleepily serene.

Talk of the Table

21 Jun

The table nap is growing in popularity.

Child's (Chair) Pose

The first time I saw it, I thought it would be the last.  As usual, I was wrong.  In this case, there wasn’t even a big meal involved.

Just water...thanks.

Okay – well, maybe that’s a cookie next to his cup.  But isn’t that supposed to make him wired?

All curled up...

I’d say it’s the soft chair, but that hasn’t shown to be a major factor in the past.

So much for sitting nicely at the table.

I’m too tired to keep thinking about it.  We’ll have to table this discussion and continue it later.

Suspenseful Sleep

14 Jun

Since we’re on a roll with naps at the table, I thought I’d throw this one up there.  It’s getting downright ho-hum, all this balancing-in-chairs and whatnot.

Once again, asleep at the table.

The wider view provides an extra injection of humor, however.

We are not alone...

It’s almost a cliffhanger.  What will happen next?

Leave a comment for me and offer up your suggestion…if you dare.