Tag Archives: yoga

Guest Napper #65 – Ow ow ow ow!

13 Feb

Folks, I’m about to make you feel really old. At very least, I’m about to drive a huge spike in memberships at yoga studios for the week.

Ow ow ow ow ow!

Nilam sent me this picture of her daughter Karina.

Now you go do it.

Guest Napper #38

29 Sep

I feel a little sorry for this poor starving baby, who is trying to eat her own toes.

Flexy McFlexerson

See – even the effort of reaching those delectable toes turned out to be too much for her.  She slipped into a deep sleep and mom Bree  found her here like this.

The zen of plump digits

Hungry or not, I think baby Helene has a future in yoga, if she so desires.  Those hip openers will be no problem.  Even her face is relaxed! We should all be so disciplined.

Rest peacefully, little yogi.

Namaste, Nappers. Namaste.

8 Sep

Something is missing.  And it’s not the steam vac we’ll have to employ (once again) on this couch.

"Kitty" takes a nap

Where are the children?

Looks like William is applying himself, once again, to his yoga practice.  I see a block.  I see…uh…some kind of blankie prop.  And…is there a disc in yoga?  Methinks not.  This one is the upper level from our toddler cup rack.

But there’s more!

Wait! It's partner yoga!

Cormac is doing his own relaxation pose.  Isn’t that the BEST part of yoga, people?

Unauthorized snack prop

I’m not a yoga expert, but I don’t recall grilled cheese sandwiches being a sanctioned prop.  Send the karma cops.  My boys are breakin’ studio rules.

Peace out, people.  Peace out.

Single-Handed Sleep

17 Aug

We’ve had so many stair naps here at Naps Happen that we’re in danger of becoming positively ho hum.  I can’t deny, though, that Cormac has added a few elements to this one an over-achiever.

Ever the daredevil, he has taken the stair nap to a new level by endangering his center of gravity.  Like a hapless man in a 1950’s comedy, stranded in a double bed with a modest female friend, he has one hand solidly on the floor.

You'd better keep one hand on the floor, Mister!

But this doesn’t keep him from also kicking up his heels.  Between that and the ball props to his right, I’d say he almost makes it into the yoga/pilates category of Napdom.

Might want to take the shoes off, though.



We’ll have to take steps to get these guys into their beds more often.





Guest Napper #27

29 Jul

Melissa sent me this picture of the impressively flexible Gabriella, who was exhausted from a day of shopping.


She would definitely have gotten along with little William, since they are both clearly working on their yoga and pilates practices.  In fact, call the Pilates people right now.  Gabriella has invented a new apparatus…the rolling chair.

May your weekends be sleepily serene.

Put Your Feet Up

23 May

Cormac is just taunting me, here.  Okay – this is not his bed.  But it’s like he said “You have failed as a parent.  As other toddlers nap in their beds the world over, this afternoon, I will lie here.”

End of Yoga Practice - Inversions

And he’s feeling pretty serene about it. Note the tranquil expression on his face. If only his legs were a little higher, I’d say he was doing his inversion at the end of yoga class. With shoes.

I especially like the synchronized napping he’s got going on with bunny, in the background.  Right leg UP…nowwww NAP!

May you experience a peaceful beginning to your pre-holiday week.  Go for the full shoulder stand.

Peace Out

10 Dec

I have often heard of the benefits of meditation.  Frankly, I’m the type who sits in yoga thinking about her shopping list.  William, however, has shown great promise in yoga and pilates since an early age.

Inner Peace

Blue Puppy tries to be down with this yogi stuff, but he’s having trouble being zen about it.

As always, William ends the week in a deep state of relaxation.  I hope your week ends the same way!

Yoga ends in relaxation…

27 Sep

Naps strengthen your core...

Or is this pilates?  All I know is that anyone who can take an entire nap while balancing on a ball has got to be a fitness prodigy.
