Guest Napper #30

19 Aug

I’m a little biased toward wee Guest Napper #30, because he clearly shares my love of cooking.

Currently, I am working my way through Julia Child’s inspiring memoir My Life in France.  Reading it has made me admire her even more than before, because it shows how she never wasted time thinking about how thin she was or how pretty she was.  She only criticized herself for not knowing her own mind or not being “well-informed.”

Earlier this year, I read The Gastronomical Me by the impossibly fabulous MFK Fisher.  Her love of food and wine is matched only by her fearlessness.  Considering the time in which she lived, she was a real social trailblazer.  I don’t know if I would have had the courage to live life as she did.  And the meals she had?  Fuggedaboudit!  So drool-worthy.

And then my reader Penny sends me this adorable picture of future chef Chandler.  How can I not make it a TGIF post?

Good Food Makes You Sleepy

According to Penny’s story, the littlest chef was playing with his toy kitchen and just disappeared to catch a little catnap.  I guess cooking like Julia or MFK Fisher requires building up stamina.  Chandler is well on his way!

Wishing you all a weekend of good…no GREAT…food prepared with love and care.  And then a little nap.

3 Responses to “Guest Napper #30”

  1. Let Me Start By Saying August 19, 2011 at 8:24 am #

    Costumed naps might be the cutest naps of all.

  2. JD @ Momagement August 19, 2011 at 10:07 am #

    Aw, the bum-in-the-air sleeping is adorable. Sophia only does it every once in a while now.

  3. kikiandkyle August 19, 2011 at 9:43 pm #


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