Guest Napper #54: Exhausted Escapee

21 Dec

Right about this time every year, it seems like all my friends are talking about how they just want to go hide in a closet somewhere. Calgon, take me away!

Danielle sent me this picture of Tristin. It looks like he bungled his own escape.

When you just gotta get out.

At least Tristin had the presence of mind to open the entire door, unlike William, who attempted an escape through the cat door some time ago.

Next thing you know, one of these kids will be trying to get out via the chimney. Someone warn Santa!



One Response to “Guest Napper #54: Exhausted Escapee”

  1. Suburban Snapshots December 23, 2011 at 8:59 pm #

    The threshold…it’s just…too….much.

So what do you think?